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1. The loom room. - In the background to the
left: a Glimakra Standard Loom |
2.Ê Unwinding the wool roving from the shuttle before the next shot. (shot - sending the shuttle across, from one side of the weaving to the other, between the warp threads). |
3.Ê TheÊshuttle flying!! |
4.Ê Easing the roving down, in the shed before laying in the colored pieces. (Shed - the space between the warp threads when the some of the shafts are separated by depressing the peddles). |
5.Ê Pulling apart dyedÊwoolen fleece,Êbefore laying the different colors in the weavingÊto form the ÊÊÊ design. |
6.ÊÊ The roving is set firmly
in place by pulling back the beater bar and changing the shafts with the
foot peddles. (threadsÊchange places - those that were up are now down and the reverse)Ê. |
7.ÊÊ Joining in roving from the next shuttle - when one shuttle, holdingÊthe wool roving,Êbecomes empty, from weavingÊback and forth, I join in roving from a full shuttle by overlapping the roving, between the threads.. |
8.ÊÊÊTime to take a break! I release the tension on the warp threads and lay the shuttle on my work, in place for me to start again when I am ready. |
Call me and lets make something!- 724-253-2299 |
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© 2000-04 Carol Rak and www.WearFiberArt.com
Site Design and hosting by nanoSmith
Photography by Christian White