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The Weaving of a Rug
Demonstrated by Carol Ann Rak

photographs by Christian White

1. The loom room.

- In the background to the left: a Glimakra Standard Loom
- To the right: a Cambridge Loom, made by the Reed Loom Company
- In the foreground: a Union Loom #36.

2.Ê Unwinding the wool roving from the shuttle before the next shot.

(shot - sending the shuttle across, from one side of the weaving to the other, between the warp threads).

3.Ê TheÊshuttle flying!!

4.Ê Easing the roving down, in the shed before laying in the colored pieces.

(Shed - the space between the warp threads when the some of the shafts are separated by depressing the peddles).

5.Ê Pulling apart dyedÊwoolen fleece,Êbefore laying the different colors in the weavingÊto form the ÊÊÊ design.

6.ÊÊ The roving is set firmly in place by pulling back the beater bar and changing the shafts with the foot peddles.

(threadsÊchange places - those that were up are now down and the reverse)Ê.

7.ÊÊ Joining in roving from the next shuttle - when one shuttle, holdingÊthe wool roving,Êbecomes empty, from weavingÊback and forth, I join in roving from a full shuttle by overlapping the roving, between the threads..

8.ÊÊÊTime to take a break! I release the tension on the warp threads and lay the shuttle on my work, in place for me to start again when I am ready.

Call me and lets make something!- 724-253-2299

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Contents © 2000-04 Carol Rak and www.WearFiberArt.com
Site Design and hosting by nanoSmith

Photography by Christian White